Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today's Poem: 'God's Love'

God’s Love

Such a simple story,
It tells of the Saviour’s love,
Of how He came from heaven,
Sent down by God above.

He paid the price for sin,
And for freedom, set us free,
Gave us the Holy Spirit
To teach how we should be.

Christ, the blessed Saviour,
God’s mercy He came to bring;
And now we call Him Master,
Our friend, our Lord, our King.

The awful price was paid
On the cross at Calvary;
Now resurrection glory’s
Promised for you and me.

You can claim His promise,
Acknowledging Christ as Lord;
Then tell the simple story
As told us in God’s Word.

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, June 2006

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