Tuesday, September 1, 2009

'You're The Voice' CD due for release shortly

Children unite through music, to stand up against gun & knife crime.

From the deprived backstreets of Croxteth and Norris Green in Liverpool emerges a project of hope called “You’re The Voice”. This grass roots campaign has engaged 6,000 pupils through school assemblies and 25 pupils from each school have been brought together as a community choir to record a CD, in a symbolic joining of the community – once divided. Every Primary and Secondary school in these areas have signed up to this project. The 350 strong choir of 5-17 year old children, known as ‘A Voice Of One’ will release the John Farnham classic “You’re The Voice as an anti gun and knife song on September 14th, 2009.

Project Director Liam Moore was born and raised in Norris Green and has tirelessly worked on this initiative. “This was an opportunity for the community to unite against the violence often associated with their areas. Through the power of music and this song, we hope to empower and engage children and young people to stand up against guns, knives and gang culture and become positive role models in their communities. We are aware that there are community projects in many areas but we have taken this one to the doorsteps of their schools. We aim to reach the young people before they become disillusioned with their lives.

Although it is a Liverpool led project it has a wider relevance to every inner city in the UK and we see this as a national campaign and intend to get the support of MP’s, Government officials, Police and Celebrities”.

Liam is no stranger to the music business as in 1996 he won “Stars In Your eyes” as Phil Collins. This success brought him fame and fortune and the chance to appear in front of superstar Phil Collins, who paid tribute to his performance. However fame led to despair and depression. At this point he became a Christian and his life began to change. Opportunities took him to America where he decided to become a Minister. Upon returning to Liverpool Liam found himself devastated by the series of events in his home town of Norris Green. The tragedies of Anthony Walker and Rhys Jones fired up a passion within him to make a difference. As a teenager he himself had been a disillusioned youth, became a gang member and brushed with the law – he has first hand knowledge of the reasons why young people feel the need to join gangs. “Much of gang culture is about wanting to be accepted, to be part of something and by putting together this choir we are giving them a purpose and self worth, despite the environment they come from. Some children have brothers and dads who are involved in gangs and crime so this project is spreading the message to adults too.”

Paul Halliwell, Deputy Head of De La Salle School has seen the benefits first hand of the campaign, “the lyrics of this song communicate the message that together young people can find their voice and use it, instilling in them self esteem and pride. They can make a difference to their communities by being positive, united and inclusive.”

Proceeds from the sale of “You’re The Voice “ will be split between the Rhys Jones Memorial Fund, Voice In The City programme, workshops and other community projects, combating gun and knife and gang crime.

¨ The release of the record will be the catalyst for the launch of the Voice In the City programme. The programme promotes positive citizenship, social justice and community cohesion through workshops in poetry, music, photography, performing arts, writing, sport and leisure and diversionary activities.

The above article is extracted from the September/October edition of The Voice Christian News & Views which is available absolutely FREE OF CHARGE every two months simply by registering to receive it through the post by clicking here and entering your details.

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