Sunday, October 18, 2009

Poem for Today : 'Snow'

There's snow in the air today:
its sullen greyness
waiting to dress the world
in wedding finery.
Freezing droplets
suspended in hedgerows
like virginal veils.

There's snow falling today;
wind-whipped and swirling,
dancing and curling,
covering -
mothering -
smothering -
in its innocent purity.

There's snow on the rooftop
the field and the roadway,
the verges grey-brown
and wet with sludge.
The scene still is changing,
with nature arranging
to alter the Psalter.

There's snow an the ground
so deep, not a sound
can pass, except for a hush.
Now the bride in her veil
has left a sad trail,
with the hymnary white
overshadowed by night.

There's snow on the ground,
and the blood of the Lamb
is waiting now to be shed;
and the bride in her veil
releases a wail
as the Saviour of man
hangs lifeless and dead.

The snow has departed
and locked in a tomb
lays the remnant
of the man He once was.
But on the third day
the stone rolled away,
revealing the Saviour He is.

Colin Gordon-Farleigh © 2003

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