Wednesday, October 28, 2009

UK Immigration places a ban on Christians

I have just been advised by one of my international contacts that over the last few weeks the UK immigration officers at the airports have been refusing to allow Christians to enter the country (UK) for ministry. U.S. singer Don Fracisco was refused entry back in March of this year and Benny Hinn and a choir were refused entry on October 3rd.

Benny Hinn has visited the UK previously without encountering any problems, but the Home Office introduced a new points-based system for all ministers of religion attempting to visit the UK last November. Mr Hinn fell foul of the tier five section of the new rules. One of the aims of the new rules is to prevent and combat religious extremism and prevent teachers of religious hatred from entering the UK. It would appear, by virtue of the practise, that Islamic Fundamentalist clerics who peddle hatred and foment destruction of anyone opposed to their views, are allowed to stay her without any problem, the excuse against their deportation being that they would face persecution or even death if they were returned to their own country.

A Border Agency spokesman says that 'Under the UK's tough new points-based system, religious workers must obtain a valid certificate of sponsorship prior to arriving in the UK. These rules are designed to make sure that a legitimate sponsor is linked to each application to enter the UK for work purposes. These rule are applied objectively and clearly set out for travellers. People who arrive without the required documentation can be refused entry to the UK."

Should we really be that surprised, living as we do under a Government that actively protects Islamic extremists and allows blasphemy against Jesus Christ, against God Himself, and the persecution of Christians?

You may well wonder how these things can happen, but the answer is easy. They happen because not enough Christians are prepared to challenge them. Make no mistake, we are at war with the darkest of forces, and Satan has been rallying his troops for a long time. Soon we will see our once-proud nation completely swallowed up by the United European State of which Blair aspires to be the first president, and once that happens it will be a great strengthening of the moves to create an Islamic Europe.

Be warned! Wahabiism (Islamic Fundamentalism) is well advanced in their plans for world domination. Here in the UK we are suppose to refer to Saudi Arabia as 'our friend', and we watch idly by as they continue to influence people by their pots of gold, inveigling their way into our education system as well as businesses.

The time to protest is NOW, before it's illegal to even think about protesting! If you are a Christian, then lobby your MP in the Christian cause and protest about anything and everything that is offensive to Christianity. As we draw closer to all that is forecast in the Bible we will see more and more attacks on Christian freedom such as this.

After all, Jesus Christ gave up His life for YOU. Can you not hand over your life to Him?

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