Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas --- A time for miracles

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ whom God sent to bring a message of hope and the gift of salvation to a needy and troubled world. The need for people to repent of their sinfulness and turn back to God in the name of Jesus Christ is as urgent today as it has always been --- perhaps, in this broken nation, even more so.

We seek peace; Christ gives peace.
We seek life; Christ gives eternal life.
We seek light; Christ is eternal Light.

The choice is up to each individual to make; either to continue in a state of darkness without Christ and without hope, or to live in the light of His eternal glory. Don't delay one minute longer; repent of your sins today and turn to the only One who can offer the gift of Salvation, Jesus Christ. He said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6).

Take the first step towards making this Christmas mean much more to you and make the choice to acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord today and for ever. It will be the most life-changing experience that you could ever meet with.

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