A little booklet containing words and music for eleven of my hymns in both Welsh and English has just been published by Sheer Joy Music under the title 'Clod i Dduw!'. The translations have been done by Eirlys Gruffydd, and she has made an excellent job of them. Amongst the hymns selected are I'r Stabl/The Stable which is sung to the well-known popular tune Calon Lan, and Sanctaidd Nos/O Holy Night sung to a tune written by myself. Both are ideal for the coming Christmas Season. Also included is Gosber/Vesper, a beautiful hymn sung to the tune Take Time to be Holy.
You can order the booklet byemailingvia following this link, and it is free of charge for a single copy. All that is asked is that you make a donation to Voice Ministries to cover costs of despatch.
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