Friday, January 15, 2010

Here's a thought about Islam4UK and others so inclined . . .

Dear Home Secretary,

I'm so glad that you finally had the good sense to ban Islam4UK, but of course this does not preclude Anjelm Choudary and other like-minded extremists from reforming under a new banner with an even greater determination to overthrow the rule of Law and the government and replace it with Sharia Law and an Islamic system of rule.

A couple of things would however.

Firstly, why not enact legislation that anyone involved in any organisation which seeks to impose these things upon the Nation should lose all entitlement to any form of benefits. After all, why should we, the taxpayers of the country, pay characters like Choudary to foment dissension, promote religious hatred and subvert authority? If people such as these are don't like the system that exists in the UK, and has done so for hundreds of years, then they should remove themselves as rapidly as possible to a country that would appreciate their vitriolic posturing.

Secondly, I see no reason to afford any of these people special protection by our belaboured Police Force. If Choudary, as a result of his own actions and hate-filled rhetoric, is a prime target, then it is a situation of entirely his own making. If he needs special protection as a result of his actions then let him get a job, earn the money needed, and then pay for his own protection.

Nobody can or should object to Choudary, or others like him, following the religion of their choice, which is, after all, what Freedom of Religion is all about. I recognise that this hate-filled character has stated that he does not believe in freedom, but this is an instance where he practises freedom of expression whilst declaring his opposition to freedom. Is this the action of a sane man? I hardly think so.

Well, Home Secretary, it's over to you. I wonder whether you would recommend such action to the Prime Minister or condone it by doing nothing.

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