Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

All Praise be to Thee
Tune: Hanover

All praise be to Thee, my Saviour and King:
Such richness and love to my life You bring.
My hands lift in worship, to You now I raise;
My life Lord, forever, an off ‘ring of praise.
For ever to serve with heart and with soul;
To give You my life, For making me whole.
I’ll praise You forever, Your glory proclaim,
Uplift with the whole world Your glorious name!
All praise to Thee, Lord, for ever to be
The Light of the World, all glory to Thee.
All honour and worship are Yours Lord, alone,
We sing out our praise to the great Three-in-One!

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

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