Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Islam4UK: Finally, the Home Secretary bans this racist group of Islamic Bigots

So the group of Islamic Fundamentalist traitors who scream their bucolic hatred whenever the opportunity arises have been given a slap on the wrist, although it obviously was not hard enough for them to feel it judging by their show of contempt for the authorities and the Justice system of the nation that lets them thrive.

Outside the court where they had been given conditional discharges for their hate-filled diatribe against the Anglian Regiment when they marched through Luton, this group of dangerous thugs stood in front of a banner which proclaimed that 'Islam will dominate the world' and underpinned with the terrorist-styled epithet that 'Freedom can go to hell.'

Later, in a TV interview, their leader, Anjelm Choudary, reiterated that they do not believe in Democracy nor in Freedom. This has to prompt the question as to what on earth they are doing in this country which, despite its many shortcomings and failings, is still a nation which does believe firmly in both of these things. It is exactly why Choudary and his peddlers of hate were given conditional discharges for behaviour that would almost certainly have carried a death sentence in an Islamic nation under Sharia Law.

Of course, the most ironic aspect of all of this is that these racial bigots are funded by the taxpayers of the nation which they seek to overthrow, both in their normal living benefits and the court appearance costs. Their fines will also, via the benefit system, be paid by the UK Taxpayer.

Because I believe in freedom of expression then I think that I can safely promote the idea that these men, and all like them, be deported to an Islamic nation where their views may be welcomed.

One of the saddest aspects of their hatred is that it goes against the thousands of peace-loving Muslims who are in this country and who disagree with their hate-filled diatribe. It's important for people to understand that they are the rotten apples at the bottom of the barrel --- the few not the many.

What a contrast they represent to Christianity! Islamic Fundamentalism is a religion of hatred that seeks to remove personal freedom from everyone and dictate that everyone must follow Islam or else die. Christianity is a religion based upon LOVE.

The following comes from Barnabus Fund:

The People’s Majlis (Parliament) of the Maldives have been debating a bill to ban non-Muslim places of worship. According to Maldivian sources the bill, proposed by Ibrahim Muttalib MP, would make it illegal to build non-Muslim places of worship or to practise non-Muslim faiths in public, although foreigners would be allowed to worship in the privacy of their homes. Punishment would be a jail term of three to five years or a fine of between US$2,800 and US$4,700.

Muttalib’s rationale

When presenting the bill, Muttalib said that its purpose was to maintain Islamic principles in the country and to prevent the spread of non-Muslim faiths. He also said that the government had received enquiries about establishing places of worship and there was nothing yet in the law or constitution to prevent this. He mentioned too the phenomenon of “wedding tourism” and said that this would “indirectly set up churches in this country”.

Muttalib has explained that he proposed the bill because at present there is no legal barrier to the establishing of non-Muslim places of worship. He referred to Article 19 of the 2008 Maldivian constitution, which states that “No control or restraint may be exercised against any person unless it is expressly authorised by law.” His argument was that a law was therefore needed explicitly prohibiting non-Muslim places of worship.

Muttalib’s assumption that having non-Muslim places of worship would be unacceptable reflects the strongly Islamic nature of Maldivian society. His concern is how to safeguard against this happening.

What next?

The bill has now been sent to committee.

President Mohamed Nasheed has said that, before ratifying the bill, he will seek advice from Islamic religious scholars about what sharia (Islamic law) teaches on allowing non-Muslims to worship in an Islamic society.

According to sharia, Jews and Christians are allowed to keep their existing places of worship in an Islamic state but not to build new ones. “Pagans”, such as Hindus, are not even allowed to keep existing places of worship.

The higher percentage of Muslims in any Nation then the greater the demand to convert that Nation to Islam, and the more determined the fanatics like Choudary become.

It is high time that the UK government acted against this threat to the stability and peace of the nation as a whole. Get rid of the canker in our midst that seeks to destroy all that true members of the United Kingdom have fought for over the decades.

Be warned. If you do nothing then these evil men with their warped beliefs will ultimately succeed in taking over this nation. If you do nothing then you will be as much to blame as anyone else. Lobby your MP to take this matter up in Parliament as a matter of urgency, and keep on lobbying until something is done.

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