Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

The hymn Fisher of Men which has music by Andrew Millinchip, is a very popular hymn of mine, and I love the music that Andrew set this hymn to for me. It's one of those tunes that makes you want to sing along with it. Why not include it in your next Worship Service.

Here's the words:

Fisher of Men

ke me a fisher of men, Lord,
Casting my net by the sea,
Sharing the news of the Saviour,
Who died for men to be free.

Teach me the words I should say, Lord,
Show me the places to go,
Help me to be a true witness
Letting Your love freely flow.

Washed clean by the blood of the Lamb,
Now by the Saviour set free,
Confessed, forgiven, and redeemed,
My Lord is ever with me.

© 2006 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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