Monday, March 29, 2010

Blair gets rolled out once again . . .

I note from the Media today that the latest weapon in the Labour Party's arsenal that is being rolled out in order to help them cling on to power a little longer is the ex-Prime Minister, Tony Blair. Well, if the best they can do is to rely on a proven liar to say the things that people want to hear in order to persuade them in the forthcoming election, then I guess that the other parties must be rubbing their hands with glee.

What does this opportunist, money-grabbing ex-PM have to offer the electorate? Well, we must remember that he told bare-faced lies in order to help his pal George Bush go to war in Iraq, and that was the decision that has cost both nations many lives. I guess that means that he has blood on his hands as well as being a liar.

Personally I would not want to buy a clapped-out used car from him, let alone shake his hand, so why would the Labour Party want him as their special envoy to the British electorate?

Oh well, something to ponder on for a while if nothing else!

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