Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hayley Oliver, UK's Queen of Country!

Regular readers of my Blog will know that I'm very much a Country Music fan. I've loved C & W music since I was in my early teens. In fact the very first album that I ever purchased was a Slim Whitman Album called Slim Whitman Sings. I was about 15 or 16 years old. I still have the album and still enjoy the songs on it such as Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain and When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again.

My love of Country Music was refuelled a while ago when I discovered the amazing fireball of talent that is Hayley Oliver, the Queen of the UK Country Music scene. Her latest CD, I Can Still Dream, is an out and out winner. If you haven't added it to your collection yet then check in at cdBaby and get a copy pronto!

Hayley now goes off on gigs with her own band which you can see for yourself by checking out the videos of Hayley and the guys in action on The Hayley Oliver Band website. Not as fabulous as seeing and hearing them live, but still a great thing to experience. Don't just take my word for it, check it out for yourself. On the website you'll find details of where they are gigging as well, so keep a check on when they are near you.

You can also listen to sample tracks from the latest Hayley Oliver Band album, Naturally by following this link.

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