Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jon Venables : Time for the WHOLE truth!

The revelation this week that Jon Venables, the notorious murderer who, together with fellow-killer John Thompson, brutally killed little Jamie Bulger in the most horrendous manner back in 1993, is once more incarcerated, must have brought a degree of pleasurable relief to the thousands of people who have felt since the trial that these killers were treated too leniently.

However, as more and more information about Venables' life gets leaked through the Media, one cannot help questioning why he has not been arrested previously since being let out of the 'soft-option' incarceration that he was sentenced to.

Why, for example, if the stories of his previously attacking people since his release are true, was he not immediately arrested.

Why was he allowed to work as a nightclub bouncer --- a 'profession' in which it is recognised that there are often instances of severe brutality --- if he was genuinely being monitored?

Why was he allowed to roam relatively freely in the Merseyside area despite one of the terms of his release being that he was not to enter Merseyside for any reason. Once again I ask the question, "Where was the monitoring of this dangerous individual?"

The crime of murder that Venables and Thompson committed was heinous enough, but the form that the murder took makes it forever unforgivable in the eyes of the vast majority of the public. Most people, even though who would normally oppose the death sentence for the taking of life, would almost certainly have supported the concept that both of these killers deserved to have their lives eradicated. Many more might even have offered to carry it out. This is why huge sums of money are spent to protect these two from falling into the hands of people far less violent that they themselves.

It is, of course, for God to judge them in the final day, but there must be many who would feel happier if they were brought before God sooner rather than later.

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