Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Persecution of Christians in UK

On Monday 29th March I posted a Blog entry about the group of UK Bishops who made a stand on behalf of the Christians in the UK who are undergoing increasing persecution, and in particular I referred to the case of Shirley Chaplin who has been banned from wearing the crucifix which she has worn around her neck for the almost forty years. The Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital NHS Trust has deemed that it breaches their Health and Safety rules on the grounds that a risk assessment showed that it could be pulled by a patient in her care.

Not only has this never happened in the case of Mrs Chaplin, the Trust could not demonstrate that it had ever happened to anyone else. Mrs Chaplin is due to retire from her post this year, and it seems to me that this is nothing more than yet another example of the persecution that Christians face in the UK on a regular basis.

It's interesting that the NHS Trust concerned has no problem with Muslims wearing hijabs, despite the fact that they too might be pulled by a patient. Come to that, what about staff with long hair? On the same grounds, are they also not breaching Health & Safety rules, for long hair, as every small boy knows only too well, is just asking to be pulled! Then there is the problem with any loose clothing such as white coats that flap around. Surely the NHS Trust would want to see all of their staff in Lycra uniforms that allow no bits that might be tugged to flap about.

Of course, all of these idiotic matters have come about as a result of the plethora of nonsensical regulations imposed under the current government, coupled with the increasing nonsense imposed upon this nation by the European Community.

There can be no doubt that Christianity is coming under increasing persecution under this government. It's interesting to ponder on the thought that it has been alleged that many members of the Labour Government have been connected to the Communist Party at some time in their lives, often when they were at university. Christianity was, of course, always considered a threat to Communism. Interesting to not too, that the links between certain Union Leaders with extreme views are very strong in terms of their connection to the Labour Party. Interesting thought . . .

Whatever the answers may be, there is no doubt that Christians in this country need to stand firm together and prepare to be counted. Failure to do so will allow further marginalisation of the Christian Faith, and it won't be too long before there are examples of Christians who are hiding their faith altogether.

Already, many of the several million who claim to be Christians in the UK seem afraid to go openly to proclaim there faith by sitting in the pews at a Sunday Service, leaving many churches very empty.

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