Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pathway to Destruction When God is Rejected

We live in a land where people have not only turned their back on God, but they mock the way of life created by Him as well. Whether or not an individual chooses to believe in God or not is a matter of personal choice for them, and although it saddens me when people make an active choice to reject God's existence, nevertheless I respect that they have exercised their freedom of choice. However, when individuals choose to reject God and actively reject God's teaching, then it's a different matter altogether.

Over the past decade in particular, more and more laws have been passed that serve to marginalise Christianity in this country. At first it was in blatantly idiotic ways that were passed off as the ramblings of the so-called 'loony left'. Christmas came under attack in particular, and, as the moves towards 'political correctness' increased so the demands raced to keep up with them. Stories started to appear in the daily Press about Councils who wanted to refer to 'Winter Festival' rather than Christmas, claiming that it was out of consideration for people of other faiths than Christianity, and this despite the fact that the leaders of these other faiths joined Christians in condemning the idiocy of it all. Many shops, even Charity shops, declined to sell Christmas Cards that depicted anything associated with the Christian celebration of Christmas.

Gradually the rot set in further and further, until we started to read about matters concerning Christians in the workplace that amounted to persecution of the individual because of their faith. It's interesting to note that these matters do not appear in the Press with regard to people of any other faith.

The die has been cast. From the leaders in national government and local government to the hierarchies of various organisations and quasi governmental bodies, the direction has been to make demands on people that compromise their Christian faith to the point that religious freedom now wears shackles.

So much is now wrong with our society that it needs God's intervention to put it right.
  • In this land babies are murdered in the womb every day, and the majority of people turn a blind eye to it because the government have sanctioned it.
  • In this land same-sex couples live as 'married couples', despite the fact that it goes against God's laws to do so.
  • In this land greed and corruption have become a byword for the day, starting with those appointed to serve the people and continuing to the very roots of society.
  • In this land respect is something which people recall once existed, yet which was lost long ago as a result of people exercising what they perceived to be their 'human rights'.
  • In this land many of those who attend church services have more commitment to the buildings than to the Gospel.
  • In this land there are countless churches where the true Gospel is never preached at all, and where 'liberal theology' is the order of the day.
Over the past couple of years corruption amongst MPs in the matter of falsified expense claims and greedy money-grabbing, and amongst those in the Banking sector who demand --- and get --- obscene amounts of cash in bonuses, has disgusted the public in general, yet still nothing concrete has been done about it. I have no doubt that we will continue to read about massive bonus payments being paid to individuals as well as stories about the greed of many MPs in the manner in which their expenses are claimed.

This land is a broken land. It can be fixed, but it will hurt. However, whatever is done to try and fix things it needs to be done in a manner that is right with God. It's time for the tide to turn. It's time for people to turn back to God and commit themselves to working according to His direction and His ways.

Only then will we see things improve.

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