Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Pushmepullyou : A Mythical Political Creature

We live during a time when the nation is in a state of change as the new coalition government attempts to find the middle ground on which they can jointly rule. Each of the parties will have their own agenda which they will try to impose on the nation through mutual party negotiation, although we, the voters, will have no real say in matters.

For their emblem/mascot I award them this Pushmepullyou which I think will illustrate the manner in which they each try to get their individual political aims accepted as the rule. The two leaders have stated that they see enough common ground to enable them to rule as a coalition for the next five years. I predict that within a year there will be major fallings-out between the parties, and within two years at maximum they will have to call another election in order that the electorate can bring in a majority government.

The problem at present is that those who voted Conservative do not want the Liberals in power, and those who voted Liberal do not want the Conservatives in power. All the cosying up to each other in front of the cameras in the world will not unite the party on many basic policies, and that's where the split will start and then gradually widen into a chasm.

I guess that the answer is to watch this space, but I cannot help thinking that none of this is any good for our nation in real terms, and that we, the voters, will be the ones who suffer for it in the end.

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