Monday, May 17, 2010

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 15:58 (King James Version)

There are times when satan attacks us with so much discouragement, criticism and ridicule that we are tempted to stop serving Jesus. However, we must not let satan defeat us because we have work to do. Anna Louisa Walker Coghill wrote a song when she was only eighteen years old that should encourage us to keep serving Jesus even in the midst of adversity “Work, for the Night is Coming”.

These words should not only encourage us, they should also challenge us to keep working. “Work, for the night is coming, Work through the sunny noon; Fill brightest hours with labor, Rest comes sure and soon. Give every flying minute, Something to keep in store; Work, for the Night Is Coming, When man works no more.”

The time is short. Jesus could come back for us even as I type this devotion. Not only do we need to be ready to meet Him, we must also be sure that our families and loved ones are ready to meet Him. Unless they see Jesus in our actions and hear Him in our words, they are not going to accept Him as their personal Saviour.

We need to love our families unconditionally and forgive them when they hurt us. How terrible and heartbreaking it would be when we stand before God on the judgment day that He would have to ask us “Why didn’t you love your family unconditionally as I love you”? Are you working for Jesus or are you watching television all day?

Joanne Lowe

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