Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The 10 Commandments : A Pocket Book for Children

Voice Ministries have published a new pocket-sized booklet of the Ten Commandments, prepared and illustrated by retired schoolteacher Kate Herbert.

The 30-page booklet starts by explaining how God called Moses to the top of Mount Sinai and gave him the Ten Commandments written on two slabs of stone. In easy-to-read, child-friendly language the Commandments are then laid out on the following pages, each one faced by an illustration which children can colour in if they wish.

The vision is to make the booklet available free of charge to churches, schools and individuals, and it is anticipated that ultimately thousands of these booklets will find their way into the hands of our children, and subsequently that the content will find its way into their heads and hearts. The publication and distribution costs will be met by donations from various concerned individuals and organisations.

If you would like a copy or copies of the booklet then please contact Voice Publications, 33 Balfour Street, Runcorn, WA7 4PH, stating the quantity that you would like us to send.
Cheques for donations should be made payable to Voice Ministries and sent with your order.

The booklet is currently being translated into Welsh and will also soon be made available online as a download. It is hoped that other translations will be made available in the future.

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