I remember writing this hymn during the time that I was at the Summer Healing School, held at Gregynog, near Newtown in Powys, three years ago. We had been studying and discussing the passage in John 4, (verses 7-15), about the Samaritan woman whom Jesus met at the well. Jesus speaks of the difference between the water drawn from the well and the Living water that He can give, telling the woman that "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." As we left the group to break for our evening meal, the words of this worship song came to me in a rush. During the course of the meal the tune was playing in my head, and as soon as I could I went up to my room and wrote it out on my laptop.
That evening, in the main hall, a friend and fellow minister, Robert Parry, played the tune whilst I sang it through with another friend, Joyce Nuttall. The following morning we sang it during the morning praise time.
A few weeks ago, whilst at Gregynog for this year's Summer Healing School Conference, I met up with Joyce and her friend Gwen Wildman, and they shared with me that they had been sitting by a well singing this worship song the last time they were in Kenya. It was a great blessing to hear about it.
Here are the words; the sheet music above can be copied and printed. All I ask is that if you use this at your service you report its use to CCLI.
We will drink Living Water,
We will drink Living Water,
Yes, we’ll drink Living Water,
From Jesus, our well.
He will feed and sustain us,
He will feed and sustain us,
Yes, He’ll feed and sustain us,
When we give ourselves.
We will never go hungry,
We will never go hungry,
No, we’ll never go hungry,
The rest of our days.
He will cleanse us for ever,
He will cleanse us for ever,
Yes, He’ll cleanse us for ever,
When His name we praise.
We will never be thirsty,
We will never be thirsty,
No, we’ll never be thirsty,
When His name we raise.
For we’ll drink Living Water,
We will drink Living Water,
Yes, we’ll drink Living Water,
From Jesus, our well.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2007
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