Friday, August 20, 2010

Persecution of Christians: Time for the Church Militant to emerge from the shadows.

The following informative report comes from The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest, Vol. 107 : August 14th, 2010 edition. For anyone who can’t face the fact that Christians in USA, UK and many other countries, are being persecuted in almost every sphere of daily life, just read on. All of the cases of persecution quoted can be checked out and expanded upon.

You can’t pray on the steps of the Supreme Court. You can’t preach from the Scriptures at a ‘Gay Pride Parade.’ A New Mexico federal judge warned a graduating class that he was sending a US Marshall to their graduation to ensure nobody said the Name ‘Jesus’ or they would spend six months in jail. “Anyone who violates these orders, no kidding, is going to wish that he or she had died as a child when this court gets through with it,” the judge told the students.

A teacher at the Lynn Lucas Middle School in Houston Texas threw away two students’ Truth for Youth Bibles, calling them “garbage.” She then took the students to the principal’s office where she threatened to call Child Protective Services on their parents for permitting them to bring their Bibles. Later at the same school, different officials threw away students’ book covers showing the Ten Commandments, claiming the commandments were hate speech and could offend students.
Senior citizens in Balch Springs, Texas, were forbidden from saying grace before meals because the food they were grateful for was federally-subsidised. Praying over federally-subsidized food violates the provisions of the 1st Amendment where it says, “Congress shall make no rule respecting the establishment of religion nor prohibit the free exercise thereof.”
In another case, school officials at the University of New Orleans denied Michelle Beadle permission to hand out an evangelistic tract that encourages Jewish people to embrace Jesus Christ as the true Messiah. The university told Beadle, a Messianic Jew who works as a missionary for Christian Jew Foundation Ministries, that the content of the literature 'may be offensive’ to some people.

There are probably dozens, if not hundreds of similar instances of this kind of extreme anti-Christian persecution. If the founding fathers could see what is taking place in America today, they would be spinning in their graves. How did it come to this ? Have you ever heard of Muslims being told they can't pray. They stop and pray anywhere they like. Can you imagine the furore if they were told they can't pray on public property. Remember what happened in Denmark over an insulting cartoon. Imagine what the media would say if Muslim prayer was banned except inside their Mosques.

I believe the Church, has been asleep or afraid to fight for the Faith and has allowed Atheists, Satanists, Islamists and the ‘Gay’ brigade to get such a big foot in the door, there is no turning back. The Body of Messiah needs to learn from our enemies and indignantly resist the encroachment of the enemy. They never give up. If they lose one battle, they retreat, regroup and attack again, until they achieve their demands.

Then there is the Mosque they want to build at Ground Zero. 3000 innocent people died when the Twin Towers were destroyed by 19 Muslim terrorists and yet they have the audacity to want to build a shrine to worship Allah. In times past they wouldn't have stood a chance but in today's PC world, there is only a very limited outcry against this offense to the memory of those who perished. I believe most Americans are appalled by the thought of a Mosque so close to Ground Zero, but most don't dare raise their voice against it. Even New York's Jewish mayor is in favour of it. Someone please suggest to Mayor Bloomberg that he should builds a synagogue or church anywhere in Saudi Arabia and see how far he gets.

I believe that the two greatest threats to Western civilization are the Muslims and the Gays. Our nations bend over backwards to appease both groups. Seems the West has forgotten how Islam has tried to wipe out Judaism and Christianity in the past, and that the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination under Allah. In the past they used outright force and violence to achieve their goal, but in our time the 'peaceful majority' work quietly behind the scenes taking advantage of the Western worlds foolish 'political correctness', while the radical minority continue their murderous Jihad. However, the goals of both are identical - to subdue and dominate the rest of the world and it seems the Jewish & Christian nations are their primary target.

You don't have to be a professor to see how the so-called ‘gays’ have been working furiously to impose their abominable sexual orientation upon the normal world. Like the Muslims they have been working quietly behind the scenes and more radically out in the open. They too use political correctness and human rights to brainwash people into accepting their abominable practices as normal. They too never give up. Praise the Lord, their attempt to have Gay marriage legalised in California has been blocked. But mark my words, they will be back to try again before too long. And they will probably get their wicked way because the rest of us are silent. I have said this before and I will say it again - it is time for the people of God to get MILITANT - spiritually in prayer and with the secular media.

Actually there are three main threats to Western civilization. What is the 3rd ? I am glad you asked! It’s YOU and ME — if we don’t rise up, speak up and front up to oppose the flood of evil that is engulfing us. As you contemplate this article and wonder 'What in the World Has Happened to America ?' consider you own nation — it probably isn't too far behind the United States.

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