Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Terrified Nancy Pelosi

Why does House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, look so terrified in this photograph? Could it be because she realises that supporting the building of a mega-mosque at Ground Zero might lose her job for her?

More than 100,000 signatures have now been added to the petition to stop Ground Zero being violated. The latest twist in the growing national opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s stunning call yesterday for an investigation into who is supposedly funding opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque.

In case Ms. Pelosi has forgotten, America is not a police state. Calling for such an investigation is the very type of strong-armed tactic totalitarian governments use to intimidate their citizenry and suppress freedom.

How different is this from the intimidation tactics Islamists use worldwide to suppress free speech, as occurred in the aftermath of the publishing of the Danish cartoons of Mohammed? Not much.

Pelosi feels that some dark organisation is funding the opposition to the building of the proposed mosque at Ground Zero. Does she really think that more than 70% of concerned Americans need funding in order to make their opposition known?

In the photo above she looks terrified about something. Could that something be the realisation that she is wrong?

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