Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

When You Call Me 87 87
When You call me I will answer,
I will follow where You lead,
All my life I will be waiting,
There to serve Your every need.

I’ll be there to listen for You,
When You call me, night or day,
Lead me onward on my journey,
Ever walking in Your way.

What You ask me I will give You,
Where You want me I will be,
Nothing else will I be needing,
You are all in all to me.

When at last I stand before You,
See the glory of Your face,
Hear Your gentle voice call to me,
Know the wonder of Your grace.

I will praise You Lord, forever,
You’re my Saviour and my friend,
Praise and lift my soul in worship,
In that kingdom without end.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, May 2006

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