Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

Praise the Lord! 87 87
TUNE: Sussex

Hallelujah! Let us praise Him!
Singing loud our hymns of praise,
Hallelujah! Praising Jesus,
Hands and voices to Him raise!

He has come to bring salvation
To the needy and the lost;
He has come to give the water
That brings life yet has no cost.

He brings light into the darkness,
Shining down from heav’n above;
He brings freedom to the sinner,
Comes proclaiming ‘God is love!’

Hallelujah! Let us praise Him!
Serving Him in every task.
Hallelujah! Praising Jesus!
Doing all that He may ask.
© 2010 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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