Monday, September 27, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

Hosanna! 66 66

Sing loud your songs of praise!
Your joyful songs now bring,
With heart and soul and voice,
Hosanna to the King!

Sing loud your songs of praise!
Let mountain, sea and sky,
Shout, with loudest praise,
Almighty God on high!

Sing loud your songs of praise!
Let earth all join as one,
To magnify His Holy Name,
To praise Him for His Son.

Sing loud your songs of praise!
Now clap, now dance, now sing,
In glory of the one true God,
Hosanna to the King!

Sing loud your songs of praise!
Pray soon the time will come,
When we can be, for evermore,
With the Father and the Son.

Sing loud your songs of praise!
Now let it ever be,
We’ll sing hosannas to Your Name
Through all eternity!
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

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