Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Poem for Today

The following poem is taken from my book Fragments of Earth, published by Voice Publications in 2006 (
ISBN 978-0-9553583-1-0).

Old Friend Leaving
On the death of Natie Grill, 28th December 1978.
He was like a grandfather to me.

Hello, can you still hear me?
I miss you, you with the words
soft spoken, and the friendly smile.
Half knowing that the days
for you were numbered,
didn’t help to ease the grief
I felt at your passing.
No longer brushing my lips
across your bristle-covered cheek,
or talking, as you sat
quite still, and yet so alive,
eyes sparkling as memories of
other days drifted back and forth.
My memories shout loudly at me now,
reminding me of you, and I know
somehow you still hear me, old friend.
© 1978 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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