Sunday, September 26, 2010

Poem for Today

Pirate Taxi
Cars and vans
filled beyond capacity
with passengers,
who hunch themselves
in dark interiors,
only the white
teeth and laughing eyes
peering from within.
Twenty cents, five k’s
each way, six days!

Occasionally stopped by
uniformed rank,
driver and passengers
spilling out onto
the grass verges.
The driver grins and
lays the claim that,
“All are my relations!”
Twenty cents, five k’s
each way, six days!

Soon a short appearance
a Court appearance
a disproportionate fine,
perhaps a scribbled line
in tomorrow’s Herald,
so much free advertising.
Back today in business
of transporting the smiling teeth.
Twenty cents, five k’s
each way, six days!
© 1978 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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