Monday, September 27, 2010

Retired to be Re-Tyred!

Yesterday,26th September 2010, will remain one of the dates fixed in my memory, for I retired from my job as Minister of St John's Presbyterian Church of Wales in Runcorn, as a result of reaching the mandatory retirement age of 67 recently.

The picture above shows the front cover of my retirement service brochure in which the service was printed. We sang five hymns during the service, which included one of my favourite hymns, All the way my Saviour leads me, and one of my own hymns, sung to the tune 'Dim Ond Iesu', called The Heavenly Choir, the words of which are:

There’s a sound of heav’nly singing
from the angelic choir above;
happy, joyful sounds are ringing
out the news of Jesus’ love.
That great love which, all embracing,
brings us joy and sets us free:
perfect love of Christ the Saviour,
there for all the world to see.

He came down to bring the message
of God’s overwhelming love;
of the power of forgiveness
coming down from up above.
He speaks of the Holy Spirit
who can set our hearts on fire;
and the news of God in heaven,
sung by His angelic choir.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006
Although my age has meant that I should retire from my current Ministry, there is no such bar on my Ministry per se of course, and from 1st October I will be once more in full-time harness fulfilling my Ministry through Voice Ministries. I hope to be able to make an exciting announcement soon in this connection, although I need to keep the announcement silent for the moment. In other words, dear reader, 'Watch this space!'

I hate the 'R' word! When you are called by the Lord to serve in ministry there can never be any retirement until you are finally called home to be with Him. There is always work to be done for the everlasting Kingdom, and I look forward to being able to play whatever part I'm called to play for His purpose.

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