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Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Hymn for today . . .

Alleluia! Sing to God 7777
TUNE: Buckland

Give your praise to God above,
Let heav’n with your praises ring;
Alleluia! sing to God,
Praise the blessed redeeming King.

Sing in everlasting praise,
To the One who for us died;
Alleluia! sing to God,
To the Christ, the crucified.

Give to Him your heart and soul,
To the Holy Spirit, praise;
Alleluia! sing to God,
Praise Him now, the Day of Days.

Blessed now by Christ’s saving grace,
Sent to us from heav’n above;
Alleluia! sing to God,
Praise our saving God of love.

He is worthy of our praise,
So our gracious God adore;
Alleluia! sing to God,
Praising Him for evermore.
© 2010 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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