Monday, October 11, 2010

New Hymn for Today

Jesus Came C.M.
Tune: St Fulbert

The Saviour came to change the world,
To everyone befriend;
He came to bring God’s message of
His kingdom without end.

He came to give new life for old,
Sight so the blind could see;
He came to make the lame to walk,
He came for you and me.

He brought new hope from God above,
To set all people free,
Free from the hold and grasp of sin,
He came for you and me.

His awful death upon the cross,
Showed love and mercy too;
He rose again in just three days,
And all for me and you.

So now you have a choice to make
To follow in His way;
Your life will change for ever if
You walk with Christ each day.
© 2009 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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