Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Hymn for today . . .

I Come to You S.M.
Tune: Allington

O Lord, I come to You,
my life is in Your hand;
I raise my gaze to look at You,
and know You understand.

O Lord, I come to You,
I come on bended knee;
I seek forgiveness for my sins,
for You can set me free.

O Lord, I come to You,
You’re all I’ll ever need;
Lord, I will serve You all my life,
I’ll follow where You lead.

O Lord, I come to You,
I’ve claimed You for my own;
my life and soul I give to you,
I’m Yours and Yours alone.

O Lord, I come to You,
teach me to serve You best;
to praise and glorify Your name,
till my eternal rest.
© 2008 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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