Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Hymn for Today : "To Christ, My Soul, Belong"

To Christ, My Soul, Belong   76 76
TUNE: Day of Rest
I long to see the Kingdom
Lit by the light of God;
I long to walk in footsteps
Where heaven’s saints have trod.
I long to sing God’s praises,
joined with the heav’nly throng,
Sing Glory! Alleluia!
Praise with angelic song.

As with my voice I praise Him,
Gaze on His glorious face,
In wonder, praise His glory,
Full blessed by heaven’s grace.
I lift my voice before Him,
In praise with joyful song;
My heart I give in worship,
To Christ, my soul, belong.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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