Saturday, October 2, 2010

New Hymns: Hymn for today . . .

Triumph 86 86

Yours is the mighty triumph Lord,
Let all the earth acclaim;
Yours is the glorious victory,
We praise Your holy name!
We praise Your holy name!

You paid the price for mankind’s sin,
Upon the cross of shame;
Rejected then, triumphant now,
We praise Your holy name!
We praise Your holy name!

You came to give sight to the blind,
To heal the sick and lame;
You were the sacrificial Lamb,
All praises to Your name!
All praises to Your name!

You came a babe and died a man,
True witness was Your claim;
Death could not dim the Light of Life,
We praise Your holy name!
We praise Your holy name!

Now we in praise our voices raise,
And we, with earth, acclaim;
See ev’ry hour Redemption’s pow’r
That glorifies Your name!
That glorifies Your name!
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh,

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