Saturday, October 23, 2010

When's my next holiday, Dad?

Hello! If you are one of my Dad's readers who have not met me before, my name is Sam, and I'm the real boss around here --- well, at least I try to be. When mum and dad go off on holiday they take me with them usually, and the holidays I like bet are when we go off to Wales and stay in a cottage. I get to go on lots of walks and get treats that I don't usually get at home. It's great!

This photo of me was taken at the end of my last holiday, and  you can tell that I was not happy about it soon being over. I thought that if I looked longingly at them I might manage to get them to stop for a few more days, but sadly, even though I did my best and gave them my very best longing look, it didn't work. I did the 'sad eyes' bit and everything, but they must have had hearts of stone 'cos they still went home on time.

Ah well, there's always next year to look forward to!

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