Monday, November 22, 2010

Anti-Semitism fostered in the UK in Saudi Students Clubs & Schools

Here in the UK, the BBC television programme Panorama, has carried out an investigation which identifies a large number of weekend schools which teach children about Sharia law punishments and foster anti-Semitic hatred according to the results of the programme to be screened tonight. Around 5000 Muslim children are being regularly subjected to the hate-based teaching, part of which invites them to list what is referred to as 'the reprehensible qualities of Jews'. 

Muslim pupils are being taught from the age of six years old that Zionist Jews are plotting to take over the world. Strange teaching from a religion whose aim is to turn the whole world Islamic, using whatever terror methods it chooses to achieve the aim.

There is no doubt in my mind that Sharia law is totally reprehensible in practise, and whilst Islamic States are free to implement it if they so choose, it is unwelcome in the West. 

It's interesting that when you compare the world's two major religions, Christianity and Islam, you find that the former is based on a message of love, whilst the latter appears to thrive on hatred. The Christian message is that God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth, to die on the Cross and pay the price for mankind's sin, thereby offering those who choose to believe on Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Saviour of the world, eternal salvation. The Bible, reporting the words of Jesus, states as an absolute, that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ; "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" (John 14:6). In contrast to the Christian message, the message that is propagated by so many self-appointed Islamic spokesmen is one of hatred. 

It is high time that Western governments called a halt to the increasing demands of radical Islamic fundamentalism. Hate-filled clerics who live to poison the minds of Western-born Muslim children, often under the guise of so-called education, should be sent packing to those lands where their rhetoric might be appreciated. Strangely the reason that they are not returned to their homelands is usually cited as being because it would breach their human rights. So often they would face charges of sedition in their own countries, or face the death sentence for terrorist activities. That these blots on the face of humanity, who deny any human rights to their victims, are allowed to claim any human rights for themselves is nothing short of a travesty.

There are a vast number of Muslims in the West who live out their daily lives in an honourable manner, quietly practising their religion and contributing positively to society in general. Their lives are as much under threat by the hate-filled radicals as non-Muslims.

I call upon the government to act positively and root out the evil in our midst. If EU laws forbid the correct punishment of those who incite others to hatred under the name of Islam, then it's high time that the UK kicked the EU into touch as well. Failure to act now will increase the probability not only of increased terrorist activity in the UK, but also to ultimately seeing the UK become an Islamic satellite of the Saudi's. 

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