Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Hymn for Christmas: 'First Christmas Day'

First Christmas Day 86 86
TUNE: Nativity
There is a stable in a land,
So very far away,
Where Jesus Christ, our Lord and King,
Was born that holy day.

As Mary gazed upon the child,
Laid in the manger bare,
Her face was filled with grace and love
For the baby lying there.

Now as we worship Jesus Christ,
Hear choirs of angels sing,
‘Hosanna in the highest heaven!’
To glorify the King.

Let us all join our voices now,
With that great heav’nly throng;
Let’s glorify our saving Lord,
And praise Him with our song.

Give praise and thanks for Jesu’s birth,
And with the angels say,
Come, celebrate with praise and joy,
That first great Christmas Day!
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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