Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Hymn for Christmas: 'So We Gather'

So We Gather 8787 88 87
TUNE: Montclair
Here in our land, made by God’s hand,
We must worship Christ the King.
Each December light the ember,
To His feet our tributes bring.
So we gather all together,
Never mind the wintry weather,
We will worship Christ the Saviour,
Facing heaven our praises ring.

He has come to give us new life,
Giving sight to those in need;
He’ll revive our fainting spirit,
When His precious words we heed.
So we gather all together,
Glorifying God for ever,
We will worship Christ the Saviour,
Facing heaven our praises ring.

Let us sing our praises to Him,
Let us fall on bended knee.
Let His glory tell the story,
How He came to set us free.
So we gather all together,
In our Lord we’ll live forever;
We will worship Christ the Saviour,
Facing heaven our praises ring.
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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