Friday, November 12, 2010

New Hymn for today . . . 'Spirit Divine'

Spirit Divine
I own Thee my Saviour,
For ever I’m Thine:
Come, Holy Ghost,
Spirit Divine.
Bright hosts of angels,
For ever in song,
Praising your glory
In voices strong.

Awaiting the moment ―
Shouts of acclaim:
For ever my Saviour,
Praising Thy Name.
Clouds full of glory,
Come down from the sky;
Only a twinkling,
A blink of an eye.

Filled with Your Spirit,
To comfort and guide;
In faith ever onward,
My Lord by my side.
I’ll serve Thee my Saviour,
For ever I’m Thine:
Come, Holy Ghost,
Spirit Divine.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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