Monday, November 1, 2010

New Hymn for today : " At Calvary"

At Calvary 88 88
TUNE: Duke Street
My hope lies in the One who died,
who died for me upon the cross;
scourged, then fast-nailed upon that tree,
He died for all at Calvary.

When darkness fell toward the end,
as He hung there upon the tree;
no man could tell what love would be
proclaimed for us at Calvary.

When He was placed within the tomb,
after His death on that sad day,
the stone was rolled for all to see
that Christ had died at Calvary.

On the third day He rose again,
defeated death and vanquished sin;
all the joy that could ever be,
replaced the tears of Calvary.

We celebrate the living Christ,
who died, yet lives again for all,
we share our Saviour’s victory,
because He died at Calvary.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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