Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Christmas Story

          During Advent the Christmas story, which relates the story of our Lord's entry into the world as a tiny baby, will be told over and over again, and the circumstances of the birth of Jesus will be shared with those who have heard it before, perhaps hundreds of times, and those for whom it is new.
          Yet there is a sense in which, no matter how many time we have heard or read the story previously, there must always be a newness in it for us. It is this sense of newness that allows us to express our awe and wonder that God showed His love for mankind by offering Himself in the Son, so that we might all have the opportunity offered to us to believe on Jesus as the Son of God, and accept all that He did for our redemption.
          It's our acceptance of Jesus as the Christ whom God sent to pay the price for mankind's sin that is so important for us to grasp, for no matter what God offers us, if we fail to accept it fully then we cannot claim the gift as ours. In accepting Jesus for who He said He was, and accepting the sacrifice that he made on the cross at Calvary, we can acknowledge Him as our Saviour, and receive the gift of forgiveness of sin. But unless we also choose to acknowledge Jesus as Lord of our lives then we cannot claim the fullness of the gift which is eternal salvation spent with Him.
          To acknowledge Jesus as Saviour and then continue to live out life as though He was just an occasional visitor is unacceptable in salvation terms. When we accept Christ as our Lord we commit our lives to Him, and that means that we promise to serve Him in the world, doing as He bids us, so that our actions mirror His. We are to reach out to others in His name, sharing His love and taking His comfort to those in need. If we belong to Him then our lives are no longer our own. We either serve Him or we serve our own interests, and nobody can serve two masters. 
          This year, as you hear the Christmas story, whether for the first or the hundredth time, hear it anew and meditate on what it does mean and what it can mean in your life. Maybe you have acknowledged Jesus as Saviour for years, yet carried on being your own Master. This is a time to change whilst you still have the chance, and acknowledge Him as Lord and Master from now on. When you do your life will change in a positive way.

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