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Saturday, December 11, 2010

God is Good!

God is good. Just how good you can find out for yourself when you consider all that He has done for you, from the moment of your birth to the point where you are at now. If you have trouble finding Him in your life then start to seek for Him in all seriousness, for what you seek you will find.  

Maybe you choose to doubt or even deny His existence. Well, the good new is that He doesn't doubt or deny yours! To God, you are as important as everyone else. Imagine that! You are just as important as the most famous actor or sports celebrity; just as important as Kings, Queens and Princes, and just as important as the lowliest beggar sitting in the dust on the streets of India. Why? Because to God, every single one of us are important, not because of the level of our wealth or position of our birth, but because we are His creation. To judge just how important we are to God just consider for a moment that He sent His only son, Jesus, to earth in order that all people might be reconciled to Him. When Jesus died on the cross at Calvary, He died so that you and I, and everyone else in the world, could be freed forgiven for our sins, and have the hope of eternity in heaven with Him. All that is asked of us --- of you ---  is that we believe on Jesus and accept Him as our Saviour and serve Him as our Lord.

So, God has created the opportunity for you to receive the gift of salvation, but the rest is up to you. If you refuse the gift then you will have chosen to reject the giver, and will have made your choice about your final destination in eternity.

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