Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Christmas to all of my readers

      I love this Nativity scene, because the Lego figures emphasise the simplicity of Jesus' birth in the humblest of surroundings. People expected the long-anticipated Messiah to ride in on a white charger, armour gleaming and sword brandished, ready to lead them into a mighty battle. Instead, God chose to come as a tiny baby, born to a virgin with a very humble birth. He was adored by his parents and worshipped by shepherds and kings. He came for the salvation of all, rich or poor, and He offers the same gift of salvation today to everyone, no matter what your station in life is. You cannot be too low nor too mighty to be rejected by Jesus when you go to Him in repentance and submission. He will bless you with the gift of salvation and give you the hope of life eternal.
      This is the real message of Christmas, that of the arrival into the world of the Saviour. If He is not already Lord of your life, won't you acknowledge Him and submit to Him right now.

I wish you, dear reader, all the blessings of this Christmas Season. 
A blessed and peaceful Christmas
A Happy New Year for 2011

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