Friday, December 3, 2010

A Hymn for Christmas: 'Jesus, Saviour'

Jesus, Saviour 8787 D
TUNE: All the Way
Jesus, Saviour in the manger,
Jesus, infant in the straw;
He has come to bring salvation,
Come to free us from the Law.
Lowly baby in the stable,
Humble infant in the hay;
All the creatures gathered round Him,
He has come to show the way.

He will point us up to heaven,
When at last He grows to man;
He will carry all our burdens,
Because God decreed He can.
He will save you if you trust Him,
He can free you from all sin;
He’s the Son of God eternal,
Won’t you let the Saviour in.

He is Lord and He is Saviour,
Follow now the guiding star;
Join the shepherds and the wise men
As they travel near and far.
Give to Him your praise and worship,
He will love you to the end;
He will carry you when weary,
He is Master, brother, friend.
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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