Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A hymn for Christmas: 'Wonderful, Counsellor!'

Wonderful, Counsellor!   66 66 D
TUNE: Denby
A child is born to us,
the Son to us is giv’n.
The government of God
Will rest upon His frame.
He is the King of Kings,
new life and hope He brings;
His mighty government
will never, never end.
We’ll name Him Wonderful,
we’ll call Him Counsellor;
we’ll claim His saving grace,
and we will call Him Friend.
Almighty God is He,
He comes to set us free;
His government of peace
will never, never end.
He brings abundant life,
frees us from earthly strife:
we’ll name Him King of Kings
and call Him Lord of Lords.
He is the Prince of Peace,
through Him all conflicts cease;
He is the Son of God,
He is the Living Word.
© 2010 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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