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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jesus Christ --- the ONLY Saviour that God has blessed people with!

During this period of Advent there is much for Christians and non-Christians alike to think deeply about and meditate upon. God sent His only Son, Jesus, to bring the message of Salvation to the whole world. This means that the message was for everyone, not only then but subsequently as well. 

Why should Christians meditate upon this? That's easy to answer! It's because through meditating upon it you realise even more just how great a Saviour we have in Jesus Christ.

Why should non-Christians meditate upon this? That's just as easy, for Jesus came to offer them salvation because nobody is excluded from the opportunity to receive this wonderful gift from God.

Salvation cannot be bought and neither can it be earned. It is a free gift from God, and it can be obtained by anyone and everyone by recognising that they are a sinner, repenting of their sin, accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour and acknowledging Him as their Lord.

Jesus is God's chosen Christ, and He is the only way to ultimately be with God the Father. There is no other way, so if you don't already belong to Him don't delay a moment longer. Repent of your sins and invite Him into your life right now.

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