Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”
 Romans 12:1 (King James Version)
      Mary Dagworthy James wrote a hymn that I love.  It is a hymn that should make all of us search our hearts “All for Jesus”.  I wonder how many times we have sung this hymn but didn’t even realize what we were singing or worse, didn’t mean what we were singing. 
      The words in the hymn are so beautiful.  “All for Jesus, all for Jesus!  All my being’s ransomed powers: All my thoughts and words and doings, All my days and all my hours”.  Can we honestly say that we give Jesus all of our thoughts, words, doings, days and hours?  Do we give Him everything?
      Not only are we to give Jesus everything, we are also to live in such a way that our bodies are a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.  However, there’s more to our Scripture verse.  It says that it is our reasonable service.  There are times when we act like we’re doing God a favour to live holy lives.
      Is your life holy and acceptable unto God?  Have you surrendered everything to Jesus or do you keep some of the days and hours for yourself so you can watch television?  I once heard a pastor say in his sermon “If you watch television more hours than you serve Jesus, it has become a god to you”.
      If you have allowed the television to become a god to you, get rid of it!  The Bible clearly tell us that we are to have no other gods before our God (Exodus 20:3).  If we really love Jesus, we will give Him everything.  How much do you love Him?
Joanne Lowe

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