Thursday, December 23, 2010

Muslim woman falsely, and maliciously, accuses officer of “racism”

Video reveals the truth

This is a video you have to see!

Were it not for this video, an Australian police officer’s career would have been ruined.

It is now common for Muslim leaders and Islamic organizations in the West to issue a knee-jerk accusation of “racism” or “Islamophobia” at the first hint of criticism of radical Islam.

This intimidation tactic was employed, again and again, by Islamic organizations, media, government and academic elites during the Ground Zero Mosque controversy. At the news conference we conducted outside New York City Hall on November 18th, Executive Director Guy Rodgers was asked at least three times if opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque was “intolerant.”

The goal of the tactic is clear – shut down any critique of Islam.

This video reveals, in living color, how the widespread use of this propaganda name-calling tactic is now playing out “on the street.” 

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