Friday, December 10, 2010

New Hymn for today . . .

Meeting with Jesus  6666
TUNE: St Cecilia

When we meet with our Lord,
And look Him in the face,
We will be full of joy
To stand there by His grace.
We stand before our Lord,
And at His feet bow low,
We praise His holy name,
And ev’ry blessing know.
Place your life in His hand,
And give to Him your heart;
For Jesus is the place,
Where love and mercy start.
Seek to be like the Lord,
Serve him your whole life through,
Own Him as Master now,
And know that He’ll own you.
Walk each day with the Lord
Be like Him in your ways;
Then one day up in heaven,
Sing His eternal praise!
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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