Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Hymn for today . . .

Blessed  (by the purest love) 77 77
TUNE: Monkland
We’re blessed by the purest love,
Reborn to a royal birth,
Now, whilst we wait here for heav’n,
We will serve our Lord on earth.
We’re blessed by the Holy Ghost,
As our Comforter and Guide;
He will lead lost sheep to Christ,
Our dear Lord to rest beside.
In His kingdom here on earth,
Holy Spirit in our heart;
We’re blessed by the Saviour’s love,
With the gifts to play our part.
Joint heirs with our Lord in heav’n,
Joined firm through His saving grace;
We are blessed by God’s great love,
Whilst in heav’n He keeps our place.
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh 

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