Friday, December 17, 2010

Poem for Today

A New Song
Psalm 40 verse 3: ‘He put a new song into my mouth,
a song of praise to our God.’

Out of a world of greed and hate
Where once I did belong,
You lifted me!  You showed Your love!
You blessed me with a song.

No old song this – no words of woe,
Of sadness or unrequited love,
Just the blessed words of a new song
Direct from God above.

Now I shall sing those words
For as long as I will live.
A song of praise!  A saving song!
To the Lord my life I give.

When at last He calls me home,
And I face the shades of death,
May I still sing that new song
With my last, brief, whispered breath.
© 1998 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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