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Friday, December 10, 2010

Shame on the Nation ... but is it really a surprise?

          Over the last couple of days there has been much Media coverage of the rioting students in London, protesting against the hike in Student Fees by almost trebling the current fees. To make matters worse, it's very much a postcode-lottery situation, for both the Welsh and the Scots have determined that they will not raise the fees in their respective lands, thereby emphasising that it is not a United Kingdom but a dis-United Kingdom.
          We have seen pictures of 'students' who seem more concerned about damaging property and insulting the average citizen by their anarchic actions, than carrying out a genuine protest. It would seem to a great extent that the lawful protest has been hijacked by anarchic extremists. Personally, whenever I see people who cover their heads with articles designed to obscure their features, that it is a blatant show of cowardice. If I felt the need to protest then I would be quite happy for my identity to be advertised. After all, if the reason for the protest is justified then why would anyone need, or want, to hide their identities? Over the years I have witnessed many situations where hiding the identity has occurred. There have been terrorists of all persuasions, from the IRA to Animal Activists, from Islamic Extremists to Bank Robbers, who have made every attempt to hide their identity, because they know that what they are doing is wrong.
          By all means, protest at what is perceived to be wrong, even if those with that perception are a minority, but at least have the courage to make your protest peaceful as well as determined. The yobs who mounted the statue of Churchill did so because they knew that it would cause offence and that they would almost certainly end up in the Press. The specific moron who was pictured urinating against the statue's base showed, more than anything else, his total disregard for the rule of Law, and total disrespect for the Nation as a whole.
         Tens of thousand of people across the land will have been disgusted by what they have witnessed on their TV screens and in the Press about the week's happenings, and a vast number will have felt ashamed that the perpetrators are, just like themselves, British. 
          Yet is it really surprising that in a nation where people seem to have, by and large, turned their backs on God, this sort of thing is happening? As a nation, we have turned our backs on God. We have done all that we could to shut him out of our schools, thereby removing His influence from the majority of children who have no other real introduction to God. Even in Religious Education lessons, Christianity is sidelined in favour of other religions such as Islam, despite the fact that this nation was built on Christian ethics and values. Every attempt has been made to shut God out of the workplace, as witnessed by the number of cases where people have lost their jobs or even been taken to court for daring to proclaim their faith either verbally or by the wearing of a symbol of it. In many cases too, God has been shut out of churches, the watered down homilies served up to people who believe themselves Christian yet deny the Lordship of Christ. Churches where the fund-raising and social activities are considered the most important thing and where Prayer Meetings and Bible Study either don't exist at all or are attended by only 2 or 3 per cent of the congregation, and those being thought of as being some sort of 'holy Joe' by the rest. For many people God is an inconvenience who interrupts their pleasure and forbids the things they want to do. Small wonder then that it often feels as though God has turned His back on the nation, for the nation has certainly turned its collective back on God. Polls are periodically taken which result in claims of huge numbers of 'Christians' in the nation, yet the truth is that Jesus Christ would find little to recognise that He would acknowledge to be characteristic of Himself. Maybe it's true that many of those who claim to be Christians acknowledge Jesus Christ as Saviour, but I doubt that large numbers choose to submit to His Lordship. The unpalatable truth of the matter is that you cannot truly be a Christian unless you are prepared to submit your life to Christ in every aspect. 
          Unless this nation recognises that without God it is destined to meet more and more trouble and dissent, then what we have seen in the Media this week is something that will eventually become the nor when Law and Order have broken down partly because of the inability of the authorities to implement it and partly because there are not enough people in teh Country who actually care enough to make a difference.

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